My Story is Important

Use these further questions and prompts with my set of ‘You are a thing of wonder’ interactive postcards, to help you explore more deeply how wonderful you are, and in what ways you bring wonder to the world. For personal, non-commercial use only - thank you! Trudi x


Everyone has a story to tell, because they are alive. 

And everybody’s story is important.


·      What matters to me, in life? Is it family, friends, my work...? List the top three things.




·      How do those things weave into the story of who I am? 

Eg: ‘Family really matters to me, and so I prefer to live close to my sisters. I am a family sort of person!’



·      Has the story of my life ever taken an unexpected turn? What happened? How did I live with that new chapter?


·      Am I currently living the story I want to tell?