You are a thing of wonder

Interactive cards to help you know that truly, you are wonderful.


Are you a human? You know the sort – beautiful, complex beings with a myriad of emotions and feelings, wishes and dreams. Wonderful, fizzing and electric collections of experience moving around the Earth. Deep mines of fun and friendliness, threaded with a huge seam of love and affection – just living next door, or on the other end of a text. It’s miraculous, really. Gorgeous humans, quite unbelievable in scope, body and ability - and you are one of them?

Yes, yes, you are. You are a thing of wonder. And so am I.

Not perfect, that’s for sure - none of us are, but wonderful all the same.


Living this wonderful, now, there’s the trick. Truly knowing it, living it, being confident in the very nature of ourselves… oooh, not easy.


On that note, I have made a set of interactive cards to help us remember how valuable we are, a truth that can easily get forgotten in the busyness of life. Each card has a powerfully positive statement on it, and on the back, a question to help you explore it, with space to write and reflect.



You could use these cards in your daily journal as springboards to get you pondering your own particular wonderfulness, and ways to nurture that. You could put them on the fridge, frame one by your bed, or prop one up on the hall table to remind you as you go out the door. Or you could send them to a friend who might welcome knowing how gorgeous (and loved) they really are. A teenage human I know has them pinned on her notice board (what an honour!).


These sturdy cards are A6 in size - nice to pop in an envelope and send through the post – a great way to spread the news we so often forget, that…


…You are a thing of wonder. 


Truly, you are wonderful.


Love, Trudi
