I will never stop learning

Use these further questions and prompts with my set of ‘You are a thing of wonder’ interactive postcards, to help you explore more deeply how wonderful you are, and in what ways you bring wonder to the world. For personal, non-commercial use only - thank you! Trudi x


 Learning new things doesn’t have to be grand, or complicated. 

It could be as simply satisfying as learning a new way to tie your shoelaces, saying ‘Hello!’ in a different language, or teaching yourself how to make a few new dance steps around the kitchen.


·       If there are things I’ve wanted to try, what has stopped me trying them before now?



·      What could I do now to make a path for myself towards trying something new? Is time an issue, or something else?



·      Is there a theme around the things I want to try, and if so, what is it?

(Eg: sport, sewing, hiking).


·       Do I know anyone else who shares my passions? What could I learn from them? Or am I happy starting by myself?

·      When will I begin? What will be my first, small, step towards learning something new?