I Speak with Grace and Humour

Use these further questions and prompts with my set of ‘You are a thing of wonder’ interactive postcards, to help you explore more deeply how wonderful you are, and in what ways you bring wonder to the world. For personal, non-commercial use only - thank you! Trudi x


We all have to have tricky conversations sometimes. Being prepared is often key! And considering your body language and posture can also help.

·      Feeling heard is important to a constructive conversation for all parties. We can’t always make other people truly listen to us, and hear us, but we CAN try to make sure that we are listening to them.  Consider: do I usually listen to reply, or do I listen to understand?




·      How can I prepare for an important conversation? What relaxes me? When can I take a few minutes beforehand to read through my main points?



·      How can I smile more in my conversation? What might make the other party smile back? How can I be kind, and polite, and at the same time firm, in my point of view?



·      Everyone has a right to be heard, and understood. Am I?



·      Consider: what am I really saying? What is the other party really saying? What do we agree on?