I Am a Thing of Wonder

Use these further questions and prompts with my set of ‘You are a thing of wonder’ interactive postcards, to help you explore more deeply how wonderful you are, and in what ways you bring wonder to the world. For personal, non-commercial use only - thank you! Trudi x


Every body on this earth is a thing of wonder, no matter what they look like, who they are, the colour of their skin, the gender they are, or the life they’re most comfortable in. 

Every body matters.

And everybody is a thing of wonder.

·      Take a quick look at your own body. Move it a little, if possible  – wave a hand in front of you, dance a few steps, wiggle a foot, blink your eyes. Whatever suits. What do you like about your own body? What do you love?


·      Find out some facts on the internet about a body part you know little about, and marvel at how it all works. What about researching about your feet, your eyes, your hands, your heart – some part of you that just is, but you haven’t really ever thought about?



·      Scars can tell a story, and be a proof that we have lived through things. What scars do you have? How do you feel about them? What story do they tell? Do you like that story? Could you re-tell it to yourself in a new, positive way? 



·       Spend a few minutes in the morning looking at yourself in the mirror, and thinking kind thoughts about yourself. If less useful thoughts creep in (I don’t like my nose, why are my cheeks so red, what’s up with my eyebrows?) replace it with nicer ones instead (I like my eyelashes, my lips are beautiful, my hair is great today).



·       You are a thing of wonder. Truly, you are wonderful.